The Way Tattooing Should Be.
*Hallowell, Maine*
****Scott Webb*****Mike Silva****
Shop Policies.
Please email the artist that you would like to book an appointment with or consult with. (Consultations are Free). Include your design idea or reference, size you would like it and the location for the tattoo.
Feel free to stop in or call ahead.
Phone: 207-626-0002.
Check our Social media for updates as well.
-Shop minimum is $100.
-We charge by the piece, not by the hour.
-You MUST be 18 per Maine State Law. NO exceptions.
-Please bring your ID with you.
-A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is required to book an appointment and must be made via the deposit website or in person within 24 hours of finalizing a date. Dates can not be held any longer than that.
-The deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you cancel your appointment the deposit is forfeited, however you are allowed to reschedule your appointment one time if needed without losing the deposit.
A 24 hour notice is REQUIRED to reschedule.
-Consultations are Free and do not require a deposit, but we reserve the right to charge a $20 fee to re-book a consultation if you are a no show.
-If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we may not be able to tattoo you. Please arrive on time or give us a call.
-You may request to have the art work emailed to you before your appointment for review. Those are generally emailed out the day before.
Shop Photos
Photo credits to: KG Photography

Tuesday-Saturday 11:00-Close
214 Water St, Hallowell, ME 04347, USA
(207) 626-0002